Choose Cash Biton Token as your partner on the exciting journey into the future of finance with CASH BITON TOKEN Cryptocurrency. Together, we'll navigate the complexities of this digital frontier and secure your financial future with confidence.

* Already growing up 2300 company

Your Gateway to the Future of Finance

CASH BITON TOKEN is a visionary leader in the world of digital finance, dedicated to unlocking the limitless potential of CASH BITON TOKEN Cryptocurrency. Established with a commitment to innovation and financial empowerment, we stand at the intersection of technology and opportunity. At CASH BITON TOKEN, we recognize that the financial landscape is evolving, and we are here to guide you through this transformative journey.

On CASH BITON TOKEN, you could purchase not just virtual real estate, but entire virtual galaxies, each more immersive and captivating than the last. As the metaverse expanded, CASH BITON TOKEN's orbit grew stronger, weaving through the intricate threads of decentralized networks, forever marking its place among the stars of the crypto constellation.

Our Core Services

"Cash Biton Token: Shaping Your Digital Destiny"

Automatic LP

Every trade contributes towards automatically generating liquidity that goes into multiple pools used by exchanges.

Community Driven

Community driven & fair launch. The dev team and whole community burned all of their token and participated with everyone else.

100% Transparency

All transactions will be verifiable on the blockchain. You can view all of the transactions, With 100% Transparency.

Meta Rewards

Holders earn passive rewards through static reflection as they watch their balance of Biton Token grow indefinitely.

Price Stability

Cash Biton Token employs a dynamic algorithmic mechanism and a collateralized reserve to ensure the price stability.

Advanced Security

Cash Biton Token employs state-of-the-art security measures, including multi-signature wallets, audit trails to protect user assets and data.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you can’t find an answer to your questions, please look below the frequently asked questions


CASH BITON TOKEN is a visionary leader in the world of digital finance, dedicated to unlocking the limitless potential of CASH BITON TOKEN Cryptocurrency. Established with a commitment to innovation and financial empowerment, we stand at the intersection of technology and opportunity. At CASH BITON TOKEN, we recognize that the financial landscape is evolving, and we are here to guide you through this transformative journey.

How do I get started with CASH BITON TOKEN?

To get started, visit our official website and create an account and stake tokens to get daily dividend.

What is the native cryptocurrency of CASH BITON TOKEN?

CASH BITON TOKEN's native cryptocurrency is called BITON(BONC). It serves as the primary medium of exchange within the platform and can be used for various transactions, including buying virtual assets and services.


Yes, CASH BITON TOKEN places a strong emphasis on security. We employ advanced encryption techniques, decentralized storage, and regular security audits to safeguard user data and assets.

Our ICO Distribution & Tokenomics

CASH BITON TOKEN tokenomics refers to the economic system governing the native cryptocurrency, CASH BITON TOKEN, within the metaverse platform

Token Allocation

More Token Info

Total Supply - 1,100,000
Initial Price - $1.00
Blockchain - BSC